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Carpenters Road Lock Restoration - London

Engaging the Community

Client: Canal and River Trust (HLF, LLDC, IWA Funded)

Date: 2016 - Present

Need: The Carpenters Road Lock restoration project is a major programme of public work and part of the Olympic Legacy Framework. The Canal & River Trust wanted to develop some dynamic and accessible ways to engage, inform and activate the local community.

Response: We created triggers on the public hoarding graphics and a versatile, free-to-access digital platform for smartphones, tablets and PCs.  This shares project updates, heritage and archive materials, time-lapse footage of work in progress, audio guides and tours, community voices, volunteer opportunities, educational materials, and more…

Learning: One versatile and robust platform has the potential to engage very diverse audiences with different interests and needs. Using a web-based platform instead of an app means you can adjust content whenever you like, without specialist developer knowledge, and your users never need to download updates.

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